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Old 10-23-2013, 12:12 PM   #1
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Posts: 42
Exhaust header question

Still messing with mocking up my CPP engine & trans tubular crossmembers for my 56 truck. Already started a post concerning that. Buttt.. I also scored these brand new headers in a trade deal. Guy had bought them for his first gen Camaro and they interfere with the clutch bellcrank for his 4 speed setup. I am putting an automatic in my truck so that will not be an issue. Looking for feedback from anyone who has used this style of header on a TF truck. I'm hoping I don't run into clearance issues with the steering box. I am keeping the stock box. The CPP engine crossmember does allow a slight amount of fudging if I need to move the engine towards the passenger side just a little. And before anyone says that's not a good idea, Chevrolet did it on the first generation Camaros to get away from the rear mounted steering box on those cars and had no ill effects. Here are a couple pics of my mockup engine I'm using to fab the mounts and these are the headers I'm hoping to use. Thanks
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