Originally Posted by markeb01
In the original 1960-62 configuration, the engine was supported by the bellhousing crossmember and a front mount. Once side mounts were introduced with a small crossmember under the transmission, the bellhousing mount design became obsolete.
any modern transmission will require a new crossmember under the transmission tail housing. The original bellhousing crossmember needs to be removed for clearance. The side mount/tail housing arrangement has been in service for decades as standard equipment so it’s certainly a proven design.
The previous owner of my 65 had cut one of the front v8 style engine mount stands, and had only one top bolt in the other.
I'm thinking how it survived was because of the strong bellhousing mounts.
I've since replaced and properly installed the two front mount stands.
I'm now planning on dumping the sm420 and installing a th350.
So this appears to emphasize even more so the need for good secure mounting of the engine mount stands - beings the auto transmission tail mount isn't really much for resisting twist.
I'm thinking I may want to upgrade to the newer 73-87 stands and mounts.