First and fore most, hello to everyone who visits or subscribes to my build.
This is the story of Maylene. She is my daughter. My ole lady and I bought her in late February or early March of last year(2012). Soon after we found out we were expecting

. I really wanted a daughter and she wanted a healthy baby. I couldn't argue with her there but off subject; low and behold we were having a boy 8D!!!!! I was not disappointed by any means(since it wasn't a girl...) Maylene became my daughter. That was the name we had decided on if he was a girl.
This is Maylene when I found her.

She is a native of Missouri as I later found out. Born in St. Louis and was 624th off the line.
She is a 1951 GMC 3/4T Longbox. The gentleman I bought her from thought she was '50, he took it in on a trade.
I called the guy up(craigslist ad) talked for a few mins like total strangers. I asked the usual stupid questions because lets face it he was 2 hours away from me and I had no intentions of going to see the truck. Mainly I couldn't afford what he was asking. I talked it over with the ole lady and first look it was love at first sight for her...
I had explained to her that a week prior I was talking with my dad about his 1966 mustang and the restoration it needed. Basically asking him for it because I needed a project(not knowing my son was soon to be on the way). She agreed to it as our project and chipped in what she had saved. I called the guy up made a time and drove down to see her in person. Without hesitation the truck was sold.
The original motor was not in her, instead a Buick Nailhead was mated to the 3spd transmission. Believe it to be a 1954 264 V8.
you're probably wondering...what is he going to be doing, restoring? parting? or staring at it... Glad you asked. I am big into ratrods and after I saw that front grill it screamed ratrod to me. And the journey begins....