After a year of sitting in the garage and not much done but the motor being taken out it was time to get a plan in motion. I finally had some time after my son being born to give some(very little) attention to her.
The plan was to rebuild the nailhead but after research i decided to go with another nailhead I had found on craigslist. A 1961 364 nailhead. This motor was pieced all together but not assembled.
Well that quickly changed yet again when I found this on craigslist for $100

1984 SBC truck 350
Over a course of a week I had the SBC tore down and ready for machine shop and rebuild. A new born takes a lot of time so that is why a week.
The motor situation is still unsettled...along with transmission etc...
I soon came into question if I wanted to use the original frame and the rest of the setup. Stumbled upon the popular S10 frame swap. Researched that idea and found it to be difficult. I know there is a company that sells a bolt on kit but hey im on a budget and cant afford $1000 for that kit. Mulled it over and a buddy talked me out of it because he believed it to be too much for me to handle with this being my first project and all. He advised me to spend my time getting a running motor first and go from there... so I scrapped that dream.