Thread: Maylene '51 GMC
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:08 AM   #3
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Posts: 11
S10 swap it is...

Even though I wasn't thinking of finalizing with an S10 swap I still searched and wanted to figure out if it was possible for me. I am a craigslist junkie and had found several frames. One being an '82 I passed because it wasn't in the best of shape. I found a guy here in town that had a '97 frame for sale but no pictures. I figured what the heck I'll go entertain the idea and take a look. A total stranger at first then we became friends and like that it was a domino effect. We talked about what I had planed and what my goals were etc...

After 2 hours of chatting my 364 nailhead was traded for the frame

there was some start to rust removal and priming for paint...half a$$d I know but that doesn't matter for a ratrod.
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