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Old 10-26-2013, 02:05 PM   #32
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Re: Barnfind 1970 c10

Originally Posted by willy3486 View Post
Help!! Seriously first things first. I am just about ready to see if it can run. I noticed a issue that may not be a issue, it could be just because its been siting so long. On the manual shifter on the column I noticed that I can't move the shifter forwards or backwards. It can go up or down. I looked under the hood and it has two levers that go to it. I can move each lever up or down under the hood. I am wondering if this will clear up once it is running. Best I remember I could pull the shifter towards me and push up or down and also push away from me and then push up or down originally. IF you have any info I would love to hear it.

On to the truck parts installed and work done. As of now I have oil changed,new plugs,wires,distributor cap, all new hoses on radiator and heater, new rubber gas hoses, and new gas pump. I also ordered a new gas tank pickup and outside gas filler hose seal but they are not here yet. I also put a new gas filter and cleaned the tank. I did the wd40 in the pistons as suggested and it turns over great. I also have the breaks rebuilt with new hoses,brake shoes and brake cylinders. I have a guy coming over next week if he is able and he is a good carb guy. I don't have luck on carbs and get him to fix mine and to do tuneups. So hopefully I will have it running next week.

Tomorrow I plan to put the tank back in and sit the seat in but not bolt it in until the new sender is here. Plans after it is finally running is to take the original wheels off so I can have the tires removed. I then plan to sand and clean the rims then repaint them. Then I can get new tires. I was talking to the wife today and we decieded for Christmas to go in and buy us a new seat cover like the original for ourselves. I bought a new dash and it is installed now. We also plan to put a new exhaust system and paint job, the truck has been painted once before so it is not the factory paint job. I have been busy and here are a couple of pics.

Here is the new hoses and other items. I still need to do a few things like fastening the heater hoses.

Here is the inside. The seat is out for now due to cleaning the gas tank so I cleaned the rubber mat .

If anyone has thoughts on the shifter I would appreciate hearing it.

Do a search on the forum for 3 on the tree shifter and 3OTT. There are a few how-to posts on getting them working right that are very useful.

1970 Chevy C-10 SWB, 350, TKO 600 5 speed
My build
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