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Old 10-26-2013, 08:17 PM   #14
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Location: Smithville TN
Posts: 51
Re: 3 speed column shifter issue

Here is what I found out. I loosened up the nuts from the alignment link above. I checked the transmission and it has two levers that will go forward,center and backwards. From the info given in preveous posts I take it the center is neutral. They moved smoothly and both would go forward and backwards and clicked good into place. I also noticed that if one was in forward or backwards the other lever on the transmission would not move frontwards or backwards. Keep in mind I was by myself and could not put the clutch in.

On to the shifter column. After reading the post on alignment and seeing the pictures I tried it out. I was able to get a nail that was 3/16 instead of a drill bit. I bent the top of the nail to a 90 degree angle so it would be easier to wiggle and get into place. With the fasteners loose that hold the rods to the transmission I wiggled the shifter levers until the nail would go through the hole in the two levers. After that I rechecked and put the transmission levers in the center which if I understand correctly was neutral. I tightened then down good and pulled the nail out. I then got into the cab ,pushed the clutch in and shifted. The up and down movements were fine but I still can not pull or push the shifter knob. It stays in the same place and will not move. I still wonder if the shifter column needs to be rebuilt as when it was parked the transmission was fine and shifted fine. Any ideas?
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