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Old 10-26-2013, 08:30 PM   #15
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Re: 3 speed column shifter issue

Go to the home page of this site and on the left upper corner there is a list of stuff. Go to tech tips and then click on 67-72 and scroll down and find the post on how to adjust the shifter. It involves loosening some of the eyelets and inserting a 1/8 inch drill bit into a certain spot while in neutral and that helps line everything back up. But go there and read it before I mess it up it was years ago I did mine it was not wanting to go from 2 to 3. After I adjusted it, it was like shifting a new truck again. I had been looking for bushings and such to put in the shifter arms but it was not needed. I only drove it once more after adjustment though and now that column is gonna get taken out of service as I will be going to a T-5. I have both the Camaro and the S-10 trans to make the hybird tranny that the 5 speed guys say is THE one to have. I also took a van column and "shaved" the shifter knots off of it and filled them and smoothed it out so that it looks like a factory tilt floor shift model. I also got a high hump trans tunnel to put in the truck not because it has to be there but because I thought it would look more at home with the 5 sp and also the other 2 trucks have them as well. That what I end up doing just buy adjusting the shifter. Jim
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