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Old 10-27-2013, 11:24 PM   #3
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Smile Re: Power drum brakes

From another member, welcome truckeroy to the forum, and here's hope it's meaningful to you as it has been for me. Yep, your conversion should make quite an enjoyable mod. It's the 2nd mod I made to my '66--1st was adding power steering only because I got a freebie from the guy who sold me the '66. [He was scrapping a 1974 1-ton camper. Seems the ps boxes and pumps that year were all the same for half, 3/4, and 1-tons. He also gave me the tilt steering column: what a dual score!]

I avoided using a brass proportioning valve, and found out real soon that I needed something with the particular mc and booster I chose, both rebuilt, from AutoZone--really the mc choice effected my need for the proportioning valve. I intentionally went with a newer-year 3/4-ton mc because it had a larger power piston, giving me more "juice per pedal-pump": was the same price, even. This would make it harder to depress, ordinarily, but I figured the booster would more than make up for that--and it did! As I recall, I bought my adjustable prop. valve from Jegs or Summit about 4 yrs. back; total cost was like $40-$45. I plumbed it into the line going to rear wheels; put it in just below the mc, and it has worked flawlessly, after I adjusted it several times to get it "dialed in". Adjusting is so simple: just turn a thumb-rotatable knob a round or 2. W/o it, the rears would lock up when I stopped anywhere near abruptly.

Again, welcome and remember all the guys on here are quite anxious to offer ideas, solutions, shortcuts; and they know so much more than the year-specific mfg. manuals, as they have tried and proven so many different parts and ideas and mods, and they know what will and will not work.

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