I got a question for you guys anyone good with tuning a carburetor?
I need some help for sure.

alright so I know I'm going from manual choke to electric so a few things are different but I know I don't have to pump the gas anymore or most of the time.
When it cranks up the idle shoots up to about 1,500rpm I usually let it sit there a couple of seconds and then tap the gas and it will idle down to around 500-750rpm, and I guess sometimes because it hasn't warmed up fully sometimes it'll die. Also if I let it just idle there for a little while say 5-7 minutes then I kill it, try to crank it back over it's like it doesn't fire right away but when it starts it's on all 8, is that just a way the electric choke works or do I need to do some tweaking? It runs and performs waaaay better just trying to start understanding it a little better.