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Old 10-28-2013, 04:19 PM   #10
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Re: Edelbrock Carb Help

Originally Posted by bnoon View Post
No fuel should drain from the carb at any time. If it does, you have a stuck float and/or leaks (internal leaks are harder to spot). The choke is only a metal flap that closes to restrict air going into the engine, it will not act on the fuel directly speaking.

Mine was flooding bad last week, and I ended up rebuilding the carb. It was ~$45 for the kit, and had it off, repaired, and back on in an hour or two.

As far as vacuum lines, what do you have/how are they hooked up? Here is what mine looks like:

Passenger side goes to the distributor, driver side goes up to the deal above and to the left of the brake booster. Center goes over to the driver side valve cover, and the back orifice connects to the brake booster.

Since the rebuild mine runs better than it ever has!
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