Ah yeah, everything is there

When you take those three torx bolts, that big round bowl comes out, as well as a little metal plate that is at a slight angle, you'll notice that the little plate doesn't lay totally flat as such, you'll want to make sure that you stick that plate back in the same way... Find a crayon or something and put an X on that side of it before you take it out. As soon as you take that out you'll see a little metal rod sticking out, when you stick that plate in, it should make constant contact with that rod. The rod comes out by turning the little plastic peice that holds it in with a small screwdriver, just be careful, everything plastic in there is fragile. To get the steering wheel off, you need to get that large bolt out, a breaker bar would be your friend for this, it can be pretty tough. Just make sure that you push in the opposite direction of the breaker bar to at least some extent so you don't break the locking mechanism inside. After you've gotten the bolt off, put it in a cup along with everything else to prevent yourself from loosing anything. To get the wheel puller on, you'll see two threaded holes just to the right and the left of the shaft that you just took the bolts off of, typically the wheel puller bolts into those. Make sure that you have a puller tool, you'll hurt yourself if you try to pull it off yourself, and probally damage something too....