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Old 10-29-2013, 12:10 PM   #262
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Re: My own build thread

Thanks! I wish I would have thought of them myself but I actually stole the idea from another board member. These were actually pretty difficult to do. They barely fit in the panel and there wasn't a real good place to put an access hole to mount them and the hole I cut is pretty small and very difficult to install the nuts that hold the lights on.
It took me almost 2 hours to put the nuts on to finish mounting them... Good thing my hands are a little small... "The only time that has ever been a positive for small hands... Haha". One of my hands doesn't work very well so I had to tape the nut on a wrench to get it started. It wasn't fun at all...
The good thing is they are all mounted and the light bulb part comes out pretty easily so I hopefully won't ever have to take the lights back out again.
My build thread
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