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Old 10-29-2013, 01:13 PM   #1
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AT Radiator Question

I swear the more I work on my truck the more I figure out just how bad the PO Frankenstiened it out.

Last weekend I flushed the radiator and was doing some other tinkering under the hood when I noticed my radiator has Automatic transmission ports on it, but of course instead of plugging the ports the PO just cut the lines about 4 inches away from the ports with bolt cutters or something and left them.

My truck is a 4 spd manual with the granny first gear (and as far as I can tell it is the original trans... Atleast the SPID calls out for the 4sp).

I keep kicking around the idea of installing a 700r4 or th350 in it. Is there anything I can do to check and see if the raidiator is still good as far as hooking up an automatic to it? I cant imagin it would be bad, but thought I should ask.
71 swb 350/4sp manual 5/7 static drop
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