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Old 10-30-2013, 01:33 AM   #48
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Re: The 66 JoeMomma built.

Back from the dead.

I didn't have the time to do the wiring myself so I subbed it out guy did a hell of a job. Added headlamp relays just in case. AAW said it wouldn't be necessary but it wouldn't hurt. Wired up the fan and A/C just how I wanted. There was no way I would have got it done after seeing how he did it. Also picked up an aluminum rear tank from Boyds tanks here on the forum, great product even better price. Fits and looks great. Going to start installing the Nu-Relics power windows with the Nu-cranks here soon. Not the cheapest but didn't want to do it again once I realized I shouldn't have been cheap on something like that. Went for looks with black Wildwood calipers and cross drilled rotors. Went with the less is more approach and chose black instead of red. I know I should expect a noticeable difference but am going to love the way it looks. For anyone anyone else going with the D52 wilwoods you will need to run a spacer if running the truck rallies, they scrape along the front of the caliper. I've decided to go with some type of fawn colored interior so I got the buddies done in two tone leather for contrast. Got the interior painted but the guy was a clown so it will need to be completely redone.
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