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Old 10-31-2013, 10:10 AM   #4
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Russellville AR
Posts: 148
Re: Dust sheild Gasket/Seal?? where can I find it?

haha.....EarlyClassics page is exactly what kind of online page I needed!

That dust shield is exactly what I needed! and great price to!

Thanks so much! I might even by a new brake shoes2x. Great price there to! $85 amazing! Thanks!

...and year to reply to the second comment on my question: Yeah this seal is needed, not so much for sealing/but mainly because the dust shield sits with a .25 open space between it and the spindle it self where the gasket/seal will fill that open space. So thanks for you comment, but as they say "every truck is different in some way or the other." lol
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