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Old 11-04-2013, 10:55 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: ENID, OK
Posts: 92
POPs 72 cheyenne

Greetings all,
I figured it was about time to post an introduction...been lurking for a few weeks now.
My Name Is Tim, from Enid, NW OK. I am the new owner of the Eric's (superflysteiny) "POPs 72 cheyenne" , that I'm sure everyone is familiar with. anyway.... i sold my Red LS powered 62 impala wagon (street rodder mag 3/2013) a couple months ago...i wasnt sure what my next project would be. had some ideas..... but after reading thru the build thread on this truck and Erics others builds i decided to pull the trigger on this truck, while realizing it has had a couple of previous owners since Eric sold it. I was fairly confident i couldnt build anything close to this one for the $$. i bought the truck unseen/undriven from the previous owner in KY. it arrived from shipper last saturday. It had a few minor issues on my initial test drive...I'll get those worked out in the next few weeks/months and add my own personal preferences. LS3/4L70e sooner or later.

For you local Oklahoma guys, I plan on being in Kingfisher OK for the car show this Saturday 11/9 (weather permitting), if you want to come take a look at Eric's/pops old truck.
thanks, Tim
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