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Old 12-12-2003, 03:05 AM   #17
Professional Grade
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta
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All it'll take for me to do it to walk to my shop, grab the peice off the counter, throw it in an envelope and send it to you

If you know of any junkyards nearby, just head over to one and pull a similar column down to the same place where you are at with yours (most use a phillips drive rather than a torx, so take both drivers with you) Also take a paper clip or something, you'll see the peice right away after you move the plate, just turn the little plastic bracket that holds the rod in with the paper clip until the rod, and the little pastic peice are both shot out at you by the spring, take the spring as well, and just install them into your truck the same way. When you stick the metal plate back on, be sure that it is put in so that the outside edge touches the plastic of the steering column instead of touching the metal in the center, you'll know if you have it the wrong way if your horn never shuts off, lol After you have that metal plate in the right way, put the cup peice back on with the notch facing upwards, then put the little cover back on. Then you'll have a good horn on the truck As far as the only starting with the column up part -- that tells me that the little rod that connects to the switch for the starter and stuff on the column has slipped outta position... You have to dissassemble the whole column to get at it... Not nearly as daunting a task as it may sound, just set yourself at least a day in which to work on it. I could do it in two hours tops, but know what I am doing with it...
1995 Chevrolet 2 Door Tahoe (6.6L LBZ Duramax / ZF6 / NP241 with 1 ton solid axle swap)
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