I don't buy any of the rags anymore. I got tired of buying these things for advertisments. The only mag I ever got worth a darn was the now defunkt Chevy Truck. It was a bi-monthly and had great articles and just about nothing in it except 67-72's and a lot of 73-87's. It didn't have a lot of advertising and I guess is the reason it couldn't make it. It was bought out by the big company who owns Sport Truck. For the subscribers who were left holding the bag at Chevy Truck, Sport Truck decided to finish the subscription with their piece of crap mag. After the first couple I received, I started throwing them in the trash as quick as I got them.
I used to subscribe to 3 or 4 different ones a year. None now. These things have gone the way of everything else. It's a money racket now. When a mag has more pages of ads than it does articles or pics, it's time to move on. Not counting when the pics and articles are nothing pertaining to what you like in the first place.