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Old 11-14-2013, 09:10 PM   #42
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Posts: 51
Re: Barnfind 1970 c10


I couldn't get it to run so I tinkered with it for the last few days. I first tinkered with the spark of one of the plugs. I run a spark plug wire to the coil and to a plug. It didn't spark. So I then pulled the main plug wire from the cap and pushed back the little cap on it. I then repushed the wire into the distributor and the coil. I then pushed the caps down the wires. I was then able to get a spark to a plug. I put that wire back on the plug it was on. I sprayed some carb cleaner down the carb to loosen any gunk. It tried to start but didn't. That was last night and at that point I quit for the night.

Tonight I tried again. This time I took a little bit of gas and poured it down the carb. It tried to start but then quit. I tried it a few more times and it finally began to run. You could tell it had not run for a while due to the smell of the exhaust. If you let your foot off the gas it will eventually stop and not idle. I may still have a few small air hoses that need to be replaced. But as far as it running if I gave it a little gas to keep it running it ran a lot smoother than I expected after sitting a while.

Another good thing is that I was worried on the oil pressure. When you would try to start it would eventually peg out. Now with it running the oil pressure will go up but it doesn't peg out while running. It goes to about 3/4 of the way up and stays. So it seems to be keeping good oil pressure.

Tomorrow on the agenda I plan to take the wheels and tires off. I am going to take them to town and have a guy there to take the tires off the rim. I then plan to clean the rust spots off and primer the rims. Then paint them. We hope to get tires in the next few days. We probably will do a little more fine tuning so to speak before it hits the road.

But for now it is running. So hopefully it will be not long before we can get it on the road again.
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