Originally Posted by litew8
I think 71-72 uses the deep channeled seals for the chrome trim, shallow channeled for older. From what I've heard, the repro trim doesn't fit good. Aftermarket windshields are also thinner than OE.
I think you are right. But I think the key is less the year (unless you want to be "correct"...in this case going completely stock would be *completely* hidden),
but to make sure that you have the proper gasket for the proper trim.
A Forum Member has a son that is a glass-master. His son told him that there's a good chance that I likely used the shallow trim with the deep slot gasket.
He said that it would appear to go "in", and then pop out after a few miles because it could never be seated properly. I'll find out on Monday.
I know the trim I used was repop. Lots of folks use it and do okay.
This time, I'm lucky to have the OEM for the install.