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Old 11-16-2013, 12:32 AM   #7
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Re: Update on Grandpa's truck!

Hey all!
I've got an update on my grandfather's '70 C20.
I rented a shed with a couple of my classmates. One of the other guys is getting a 1940 Plymouth Pickup over Thanksgiving break.

Anyway, over the course of 1 week I was able to get the front end off (hood, grille, radiator support) and pull the engine/transmission. It's been a lot of fun so far. I'm looking forward to getting it back in running condition.

As of now, my plans are to rebuild the engine, front suspension/steering, pop out as many dents as I can, and replace the rotten rocker panels and cab corners. I also want to replace the entire wiring system since who knows what happened in the last 20 years since it was parked.

I know you guys like pics, so here you go!

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1970 Blue C20 - 250, 4 speed
1985 Ford Thunderbird
2005 Pontiac G6
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