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Old 11-17-2013, 01:04 AM   #5
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Re: Restore or replace???

Even that dash can be repaired.

Here is a link to a dash that was in pretty bad shape and came out pretty good. Not as bad as yours but with many of the same problems:

This one shows how to fix the speaker holes and I like the finish he put on it:

On your dash, the thin strip between the defroster outlet and the windshield will have to be repaired. I think marine putty with a splint, something like a plastic shim, would make it strong enough so you could then work with it. Regardless, if you have to repair that one, it is going to take a lot of time and patience. Maybe the best bet is just to watch craigslist; everything turns up there eventually. ;-)

I just checked on the Houston CL; there is one but the man thinks it is made out of gold; $300.
Mr. Shannon DeWolfe
--I've taken to using Mr. because my name misleads folks on the WWW. I am a 61 year old fat man.
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