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Old 11-17-2013, 02:45 PM   #7
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Re: Pros/Cons to Leaving Cab On

Take pics, lots of pics. Take your time and inventory your parts. Its not rocket science, just don't get in a hurry taking it apart or putting it back together. If you yell "tear down", like the TV shows, and throw the bolts and parts over your shoulder, your project is doomed.

I set the cab off with a 4X4 through the top of the door openings and a tow strap.

When you set the cab back on, there are all kinds of points on the frame to measure from, brackets holes etc. Don't worry about putting it back where it was, because after all these years it may not be right anyway. In the vehicles I have done, I was never satisfied with what I took apart. I needed to be realigned anyway. If you really want it right, set the core support, fenders, hood and cab for alignment, then tighten the cab down.

If you are afraid to do it more than once, sell your truck immediately.
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