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Old 11-18-2013, 07:43 PM   #3
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Re: Rear Sport Bumper Kit Suggestions

I have a theory about the center plate brackets on these bumpers. I don't know this for sure [yet] but I think it is the same size as the ones on a S/T Blazer from 83-94. I have several of those laying around, and even some are chrome if I am recalling them right. If indeed that is true that would make for another cheap part to add to the cheap list for the ones that walk the pick your own part yards. Seeing that the center probably could be bought out of a blazer bumper for just a few bucks. I will be buying three back bumpers over the next while as three of these trucks are on the build list for my shop When I do get the first bumper in I will wait to order the center until I find out if my theory is true, stay tuned I will post up when I find out. Jim
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