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Old 11-19-2013, 10:31 AM   #18
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Re: Donz '65 SWB Stepper Budget Build...

Originally Posted by Jmorales3181 View Post
Looking good Don! Upol also makes a glazing putty called dolphin glaze which works really well....we use it everyday at work. I usually always finish my bondo work with 180 and feather around it and then go over the repair area with a skim coat of glazing putty to smooth out the transition from the bondo to the sourrounding area...if that makes any sense...just what works for me anyway. Good luck and keep rockin buddy
Hey Jmo, and any other body guys who care to add input, I have a quick question or 3 about glazing putty… Jmo is this the putty you referred to?

Is it a 2 part mix like Body filler, and what grit paper would be best for smoothing out once the putty is cured? And finally, would I just need regular primer over these spots before paint? Thanks for your input guys!!!
All this is new to me and leaving me a bit
Proverbs 27:17
US Air Force Retarded errr Retired
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