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Old 11-19-2013, 12:13 PM   #19
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Re: Where do the dots go for TDC

The problem with both dots at 12, you can be a tooth off and think you're correct if you're not looking at the engine straight on. This can be a problem if you're timing the engine in the engine bay and not on an engine stand. It's much easier to see that you're tooth to tooth at the 6/12 position, then rotate to the 12/12 position or vice versa to double check. Dropping the dizzy is easy at either position, you just have to know if you need it to point to 6 (at the 6/12 position) or number 1 (the 12/12 position). Mistakes can be made, we're just giving ways to double check, which is good, because we're dealing with a not-so-confident engine builder here.
- 1981 Sierra 454, NV4500 swap
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