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Old 11-21-2013, 11:57 PM   #36
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Re: Rear wheels not centered in fender opening

your rear axle won't go much further back by lowering it 6".. look at the the centre of the front pivot pin and the centre of the axle. at stock level they are more than likely at 180 degrees(straight line) . say you have a big compass(I do which I can get a radius of 42". using the centre of that front pin and make a circle on which the centre of the axle will be situated on the diameter. if you lower the frame 6" the arc of the circl should show you the axle actually moving forward at stock height it should be close to being as far back as it will go. in my simple math that is how it appears.. when you loer the car that front pin just goes straight down and the back end of the trailing arm may raise and appear that it is longer, but we are not measuring the trailing arm but the centre of the axle and it is just traveling in an arc.
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