Thread: Zane's Ride
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Old 11-23-2013, 03:51 PM   #175
A.T. RockDriller
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Re: Zane's Ride

Dear, sweet Zanes Mom,

There aren't very many ways for the rest of us to show our feelings for you and the rest of Zanes family and friends.
We are Americans. Zane's decision to defend us.... and our way of life.... is something that most civilians take for granted....
Many of us , however, are painfully aware of the sacrifice's involved in his decision.
If we try real hard......sometimes we can imagine what drove him.
Even today, with our high level political failures evident....we know that the true cost of freedom still lies in the hands of those willing to give everything to their country.
Thank you, again.

However....whatever we can do to make this project a success.....we're ready.

My wife and I ....and many other Forum members helped out with a different project last year....Maybe you are aware of it.(Captain Bruce Hayes)
There are no limits as to how far we fellow Americans will go to try and heal your personal wounds over your loss.
For sure, It's our loss too.
Don't be shy on your "wish list".
Les Hunter
'59 3803 someday to be 3853
'63 GMC K1000...351E, TH400 Daily
'66 GMC 4000...351C, 5&2
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