Thread: Wheels anyone
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Old 11-23-2013, 08:48 PM   #6
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Re: Wheels anyone

Originally Posted by markambler View Post
I wish you did too then I could be getting them from you
three of the ones I got where 50.00 each and the forth one was 20.00 but it is over an inch narrower cant put much rubber on that one
I called Wheels Now and they actually do have some just had to get the right person, they are selling them at 350.00 ea. he said the price is high because they made them
He is working on getting them made again by an outside manufacturer could be some time next year then they will sell for around 200.00
So I am thinking I will pay the price and get ones made by them
only need three I can use the skinny one as a temporary spare
thanks for the reply
I'd be all over them at 200. If you get wind of some for that price I'd appreciate you posting it. I know what you mean about the 19.5, they're tiny an almost no options for size.
I may have too many Chevys... Is that possible?
68 c50 pickup build:
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