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Old 11-24-2013, 09:04 PM   #40
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Re: Rear wheels not centered in fender opening

[QUOTE=Slow Build;6386403]I really think it would be less of a PITA (and safer) to move the crossmember forward. You are going to have deal with resizing the driveshaft either way and the only other thing you may have to move is the spring perches (which I can't figure out why they would be correct now with the wheels so far back). Another thing that I have heard of is switching and flipping the trailing arm brackets on the crossmember which would do more for pinion angle than moving the rear-end back and it might also get in the way of your exhaust.

You have a good point. My only reservation is I'm not sure if I can drill new holes in the upper frame flange with the cab in place and the exhaust goes through the cross member. Next week I'm going to remove the bed and I should get a better look at the problem.

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