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Old 12-14-2003, 11:15 PM   #4
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Location: north of Phx AZ about 30 miles
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I replaced the body mounts before starting, so they are all good. I just do't know exactly what to line up first, or where to go next. Do I line up the fender trailing edge with the cowl, then set the hood reveal at the cowl, then set the front fenders along the hood side? It seems that they all want to be set at the same time.
Andy,Phx AZ
'67 C-10 (Ahhh, done at last. Well there is that disk front end I want to put in and...)
"23 C-Cab-sold
'48 Ford 8N tractor(still working)
'67 Scout(Now on the road)
'70 MG B.-sold
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