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Old 11-25-2013, 10:56 AM   #1
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S10 swap or not?

I've read a couple dozen of the S10 build threads here, and on Stovebolt as well. I'm working on an overall direction for my next project which will be the rebuild of a 1950 3100 that I recently acquired. My goal is to have a truck that drives well, and I'm not looking to drop it/bag it/slam it/etc. Most if not all of the S10 swap threads I've read are guys that have done modifications to ride height, and I'm not going that way.

I also want to put a T5 tranny in it, which means going to open driveline and a "modern" rear.

I've got 2 running 235's and want to keep that powerplant. I'm going for a stockish look and height, will probably use Vintiques steelies for wheels and 215/75 tires.

There is nothing wrong with the original frame. I could do MII IFS kit in the front, a Nova/Camaro rear, a new driveshaft and a T5, but when I add up the costs it gets spendy. Or I could buy a used S10 for a couple hundred bucks, rebuild the steering/driveline, and probably end up a few thousand ahead, which would go a long way toward paint work.

Thoughts/opinions? Pros/cons of the S10 swap? Am I better off keeping the frame I have? I've heard that track width is an issue with S10 axles?

Last edited by MidLifer; 11-25-2013 at 11:50 AM.
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