You know, reading Baradium's list got me to thinking, "Man, great idea, but what happens when some jerk gets sticky fingers? I couldn't leave all that in the back of my truck. I'll just keep my toolbag in the cab and not worry about it."
Then I realized that I hardly ever lock my truck and the bag's too big to fit under the seat. In two seconds somebody could make off with over $100 in tools and I even supply the carrying case for them. Damn!
Now I'm thinking about building a flat steel or aluminum box that will fit under the seat and can be tethered to something solid with a padlock and some aircraft cable. Heck, even a bicycle lock on my bag might slow 'em down a second or two.
Fortunately, the crime rate isn't too severe here in Arooooostook County. Still, if you make it easy for 'em, somebody's gonna take advantage of it. Hmmm... you know what'd be slick? A slide-out tool drawer that comes from underneath each seat. You could even put individual barrel locks on there with relative ease. I think I'll start drawing it up tomorrow!
Or, I could steal that under-the-hood toolbox idea that somebody posted a couple of weeks ago. That'd be pretty slick and the tools would be right there where I need 'em when I need 'em. Hmmm...