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Old 11-25-2013, 07:30 PM   #7
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Re: S10 swap or not?

I am doing the S10 Chassis swap for budget reasons. Without lowering spindles and lower blocks it actually sets about stock height But you could loose a couple inches of depth from your bed. as I anticipate I will. They are all correct in saying that the chassis swap is more time consuming. Look at the YouTube video in my signature and several other videos I have there on the swap. This might give you an idea of what you are in store for with the chassis swap. If money was not an issue for me I would go with a MII IFS. It just wasn't something I could do budget wise.

Here is something else that might help you
AKA Bartman Email

Bartman's Ad-S10 Chassis Swap

My First Youtube Video

More Pics of the 51 Project

1951 3100 Pickup
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