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Old 11-26-2013, 03:00 AM   #1
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Anyone pushed a Viair comp?

Hey so I'm running 2 viair 450c on 2 5 gal tanks. Previously I had a 110-145psi pressure switch. Well I just upgraded to an Air Zenith adjustable pre set at 125-165 and I got a huge difference in pressure. So I cranked it up higher and got even MORE lift and speed. But I realize that turned all the way up my compressors wont turn off like they aren't hitting the 200psi. I know the 450c is rated at 150psi max but clearly I'm getting more than that. So I'm just wondering if anyone with gauges in their ride has pushed these to see what PSI they can REALLY put out.
Come guys, let me know so I don't have to go buy and install gauges

Happy Holidays Folks!
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