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Old 11-26-2013, 11:52 AM   #22
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Re: $2K for this engine? *time sensitive*

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck View Post
This has been brought up before. If YOU do the install at home, it's highly recommended you have the install inspected by a local GM dealer. They should be able to verify that the engine runs well and at what mileage it was installed. Then just keep your oil change receipts until the warranty is up.

Sorry for the bad luck. I plan on buying one of these somewhat soon. Honestly, I don't blame GM for that, there are a lot of people out that there that think they know what they're doing, but they don't. Sucks for the rest of us.
Yeah, I have been made aware of the GM warranty qualifications. I called GMPP and they said it cannot transfer names, once the engine is installed. So that is a deal breaker, unless I get it for sub $1K. But even then, I feel safer just buying my own, and new.

Originally Posted by CC69Rat View Post
I have been burned by the GMPP warranty situation personally. As it turns out the engines are not warrantied unless they are installed by a GM Dealer and an ASE certified mechanic.

Not saying they haven't been serviced or warrantied anywhere in the past, I am just saying the guy I had to deal with knew about the loop hole in the warranty and it wasn't honored.

350/290hp long block, bad valve seals with about 200 miles on the engine. Apparently the OC in the plant didn't notice the fact they had used 4.3L V6 seals in this engine. There was a bad batch of them years ago and I guess I happened to get one. (of course)

.. just bringing it to light, the warranty is not all it's cracked up to be.
Sorry to hear your story, that sucks. But a positive sign youd still buy another GM.

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