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Old 11-28-2013, 11:46 AM   #8435
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Post Re : Tailgate Fun

I'd think dressing the opening in the sheet metal a little bit might be the easier way to go....

For those who relocate the battery , remember to always use heavier cables , 1 or 0 gauge is perfect , I use welding cable and have the weld supply shop solder on the ends for me NAPA etc. all sell the solder on typ of clamps and eyelets ~ even in stock , using 1 gauge battery cables makes such an improvement you cannot believe it until you try it ~ faster starts hot or cold , longer battery and starter life too .

Best of all , got an early Christmas Present yesterday : on 12/18 Kasier is going to operate on my spine in my neck .

I'm stoked .

Keep these wonderful photos and works coming ! they're all great to read

Originally Posted by jbassC10 View Post
I attached my New LMC Tailgate!! Having a little trouble with the handle? It's mounting bolt holes were mounted like a 1/8 to high....soo when everything it tighten up I can't pull the handle all the way out to open the tailgate because the top of the handle hits the top of the tailgate opening where the handle is mounted into the tailgate :-( all I can figure is dremel/re-drill the hole a tad bit lower to remounted the handle lower? Any tips??
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