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Old 11-30-2013, 07:11 AM   #6
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Re: Coverting from 2wd to 4wd Questions

speaking from going from a factory 2wd frame and buying a 4wd because my 2wd was hit and whoever had it before me did a half arse job on trying to fix it so I bought a straight 4wd frame..

The front should just swap right out. Everything to go from control arms to leafs are there. You just need to bolt it up. The shackles on the rear of the 4wd are longer than a 2wd. The e-brake cable is routed differently on a 4wd versus a 2wd.. Why I have no idea but it is different. I think there are a few other things I am forgetting but all in all you should be able to swap stuff out on it.

One thing I would highly recommend if it isn't done already since you are going to go 4wd with it is to box in the front part of the frame where the steering box mounts to. If it isn't broke by now it will break eventually..
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