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Old 11-30-2013, 04:34 PM   #9
burnin oil
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Re: N/A or Blower/Supercharger

I would lower your power goal to a true 400HP and you will be much happier for a daily driver. I am more tolerant of a nasty cam than the average guy and I had to tame my DD down a little. Even with 4.10s I was using granny gear on the 4spd alot when in traffic. Think driving miles each day! I sure do miss the power of that Isky circle track cam and the brutal idle. Now I am running a nice mild Lunati vodoo, the second largest. Just a little bigger than a 350 HP 327 cam. Even in a 400sb the power off idle aint the best.

As far as supercharging goes forget the roots style. They are sexy and make killer power but you would be better served with a centrifical charger. They don't make power off idle so you have a chance to get moving before the hides get boiled off the tires. Another thing that has come around is E85. The milage sucks but it has a really good octane rating and alot of guys tune their forced induction rides to burn it. Much easier to find than race gas and doesn't kill O2 sensors as fast if you have an AFR meter.
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