I have a '64 C10. It was missing many of the heater parts and I have been slowly trying to gather up pieces to revive it. All that was really there was the heater core box and plenum on the inside of the cab. Everything else was gone.
So Have been scouring the net and asking lots of questions to try to get this thing back together. Everything I have been told points to the unit being a "deluxe" heater.
So i bought a repop Deluxe Control assembly which came with no documentation. I was lost as to where the cables all went. A member on another forum was kind enough to scan a couple images for me from the '64 supplement manual.
Here's where the confusion starts again. The diagrams show the three cables (which had come with the controller assembly). The one I am completely confused about is the "temperature control cable". It shows it coming through the firewall and connecting to a lever on the side of the heater core box. Thing is....my heater core box does not have this lever. In fact it doesn't even have holes where the lever would be. To further add to the confusion, I ordered a heater gasket set and it looks like only 2 of the gaskets fit The two the go to the firewall. The rest of the unit appeared to be sealed with some sort of body caulk.
I can only find to flappers and levers, one for the defrost and one in the plenum that lets the air in from the heater box.
So here's where I'm at..... I don't know if my heater box and plenum have been cobbled together between years, or models, or variations, or if I have an odd-ball one. If it is stock where the heck does the temp control cable go on this unit? Could this be a standard "thrift air" unit after all? I was under the impression that the standard units didn't have boxes under the hood?
Can anyone help?