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Old 12-02-2013, 12:33 AM   #6
Rod Run
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

When I store my toys for winter, I've been doing the same thing for over 20 years.

1)Wash, wax & cover the vehicle
2)Fill the gas tank and add Stabil.
3)Change the oil.
4)Overfill the tires (especially if has aluminum wheels)
5)Get tires off the cement floor
6)Disconnect the battery
7)Put a trickle charger on the battery (mainly with a newer car)

Some people will do a hell of a lot more than this, but I think most of it is total overkill.

Lots of people that go overkill on some of the other things will say that you "have to" do it that way or you'll be doing damage. I also wonder how many of those people have actually owned their toys for a long enough time to see if what they did was needed.

All I know for sure, is one of my toys I've owned for 22 years and most years it's been stored outside for harsh New England winters. I don't even put a charger on the battery and it fires up every spring. I think if I was missing something, I would have seen the results by now

One of my other toys is 9 years old and stays in the garage. That one does stay on the charger and that car is still better than new.

I'm sure others have some other good advice, because some people like to do stuff to keep the mice away
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