Originally Posted by Spartan
Hang in there. Stay positive and a great truck and a good deal will come when you are ready for it. You had a nice one and now the chase begins for another. Kinda reminds me of an old Lambretta scooter I had. It became a part of me but I had bills to pay and sold it. About 20 years later I found another. I love old stuff on wheels. I don't love parting with that stuff. Sometimes it's just timing...
thanx for the understanding. one thing possative came from this is it wont happen again. i have taken control of $$$$ going in and out! i will save for that rainy day. ( after i replace my truck! ) hehehehe
Originally Posted by bodydropped68
Hey Dave did that one down here that we talked about not pan out ? talk to you later Paul
no it didnt. he has a plain jane with rust. lots of rust and a glove box door from a different "super" truck. too much rust and custom truck.
but. i really appriciate your tip! thx very much.... if you ever need anything let me know. thx,dave