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Old 12-02-2013, 05:19 PM   #2
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Re: Big Block Electric Choke STUPIDITY!

They are fiddley to begin with, and I have adjusted a few on Holleys. So I can not imagine it being any different.

Have you twisted or rotated the black cap to adjust the time it takes to come on? It could be hanging up at the end or going to quick for the engine to warm up.

Last time I used one I set it up so it would be fully open at roughly the same time it took me to roughly hit the freeway or 7-11 in the morning. It would also be fully open at that same time so I found it convenient. I had the carb on a 350, 9.1-1 compresson, 265 comp cam, and all the bolt ons. So it didn't take the engine long anyhow or the cold cold socal mornings.
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