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Old 12-02-2013, 08:16 PM   #18
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Re: Thoughts on salvaged trucks

I did exactly what you want to do. I got a 04 ext cab that had 35,000 miles 5.3. I got everything I wanted and then some. This was about 2.5 years ago. I did get it from an insurance aution . The truck was complete. Dont buy one that is not. I paid $4,200 for it because I wanted one low miles and it was loaded with options. Also dont by one that is to new because the new stuff is still under warranty. Dont buy one to old because the parts get to be a dime a dozen in the yards. I sold vertually everthing I had , craigslist on the bigger stuff an ebay on anything I could stuff in a box. When I got done I had $1000 in my pocket and got everything I wanted. It can be done but you have to work at it to make it happen. I found out people like buying stuff from a truck that is low miles. I was really suprised what some of the parts brought.

Good luck with your project.
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