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Old 12-03-2013, 12:55 AM   #26
Rod Run
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Originally Posted by litew8 View Post
Found this topic interested and decided to read up a little on the net. Here's a reply that sounds good:

[I]"I personally start the car every week for about 20 minutes or so. Take it from a research chemist (myself! I get paid for a living to think about these things!..but I'd rather be racing and getting paid for it, right?) the amount of water condensate, the rate of evaporation of this condensate and its effect on the engine and exhaust is not big. Think about it. You warm up the engine at say 180º F or so. Water starts evaporating at around 90º F (30ºC..yep believe it or not!) and by the time you reach engine temperature, most of your water if not all is gone!
I would argue that point with whoever that person is.

Start your car in the dead of winter, then run it for 20 minutes. After that, give the go pedal a couple of good stabs and you will still see plenty of condensation coming out of your exhaust.

Also, way back when I had mufflers on a Z-28 and they had some type of "drain holes" right at the rear bottom edge. Sometimes they would still drip for quite some time after the car was shut off.

I work with "wicked smart people" like that all the time and lots of times they don't know what they are talking about. They forget to actually see what happens in a real world experience, just because their books and figures tell them otherwise.
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