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Old 12-03-2013, 08:39 AM   #2
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Re: My 2nd real post - introducing my 59 blue fleet side

I'd never seen a fleet side Apache either. I didn't know that they existed, although I was familiar with the step side.

I grew up in Canada. Old trucks don't last very long on our salty roads.
A friend moved here from Texas in the late 70s, and had brought back a 55. I hand't seen one of those either at that point.

He and I used to drive to school in that. When I got a sports car, he always wanted to drive it so I used the 55 most of one summer.

…but the fleet side look was something very different to me, and those big four headlights! How could I have missed their existence for over 50 years? To my eyes this is every bit as nice (or better) than the holy grail 57 chevy Belair.

…and to find one a week after I discovered the Cameo article, and in chilly Canada where old trucks disintegrate no less. I bought it for not much money, long distance, site unseen (other than the pictures you see here), and picked it up a week later on a flatbed.
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Last edited by VTX-Black; 12-03-2013 at 08:50 AM.
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