Re: Colder weather upon us!
Originally Posted by Rod Run
I would argue that point with whoever that person is.
Start your car in the dead of winter, then run it for 20 minutes. After that, give the go pedal a couple of good stabs and you will still see plenty of condensation coming out of your exhaust.
Also, way back when I had mufflers on a Z-28 and they had some type of "drain holes" right at the rear bottom edge. Sometimes they would still drip for quite some time after the car was shut off.
I work with "wicked smart people" like that all the time and lots of times they don't know what they are talking about. They forget to actually see what happens in a real world experience, just because their books and figures tell them otherwise.
Well, I slept on your ideas of running a vehicle in cold for 20, 30 minutes, and I guess all are guilty of this when you drive 20 minutes to work every day and then drive home, or if you run to the corner market for a loaf of bread, or run little Jimmy 5 blocks to school because its too cold for him to walk. I guess I'll have to do more pondering.....
Thanks, Joe..
1969 C/10, 348 C.I., 3X2 bbl. V8, 2004r , LWB.