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Old 12-15-2003, 08:23 PM   #18
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This guy seems a little high, and so does the price... I would try to get other recommendations before making a decision.... try to see examples of his and other people's work and compare for yourself... Imagine seeing a nice ride with a killer paint job and finding out the guy got more work done for less money... it pays to do your homework.

It's no secret that quality work is a license to steal, but I can't help thinking you can get a comparable job for considerably less, unless this guy has no competition locally...

If you're responsible for stripping and final assembly, and only minimal body work required, I just don't see 13K in it,...

I've seen "show quality" jobs done by a professional that required more than aligning body panels, minor body work and shooting primer and paint, that were done for 8-10K, but there's a lotta guys doing quality work here in socal, so competition helps to drive down prices somewhat....
'72 short step, 350, 700R4, tilt, ps, pdb, a/c, lowered coils, etc., other work in progress... San Diego, CA

72 Stepside Project

Last edited by bigvinnie; 12-15-2003 at 08:29 PM.
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