Machine Shops around Plano TX
Hi all,
This is my first post, I've been lurking for a while.
I've got a 1970 C10 that I'm finally getting back to working on after a long break and I'm trying to find a machine shop around Plano, Texas.
I'm going to need to have some axles re-drilled and then maybe some other stuff later. I keep seeing on YouTube simple one man, jobber type places which is all I need, but any searches come up with mostly high production cnc type places. The only promising results I've come up with are Bowers Machine and Plano Automotive Machine, but I think they're mostly engine type stuff. I haven't gotten a chance to run by either place to ask yet.
I live near Lake Lavon and I thought for sure there might be a propeller shop around but I can't find anything. Really I just need a guy with a Bridgeport mill or big drill press. Does anybody know of a place that does stuff like this?
Thanks in advance. This is a great place for information.